Modern Lawn Care – book review

Modern Lawn Care – book review

Modern Lawn Care – a book review This is a review of the book Modern Lawn Care, by David Hedges-Gower, published in 2014. I was one of the first to purchase the book and uploaded this review on Amazon in October 2014. Here is the review: I run a garden...
I stand like a greyhound in the slips

I stand like a greyhound in the slips

Every year, since starting our lawn care and garden maintenance business in 2013, I get excited towards the end of February.  I get excited because the weather starts to think about warming up after winter, and the grass on lawns begins to show the first...
Pellenc Rasion – battery lawn mower

Pellenc Rasion – battery lawn mower

I had been looking forward to getting a look at the Pellenc Rasion professional battery lawn mower for quite a while.  Lawns, professional lawn care and lawn care machinery are really important to the lawn care side of our business (The Lawn Advocates), and I had...