
Pfanner clothing – review

Pfanner clothing – review

Pfanner clothing - review I purchased this range of Pfanner clothing (pronounced fanner) in February 2020. I have worn them pretty much everyday while gardening in East Kilbride from March to November, and then less frequently between December to February. I have worn...

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Stihl HSA 25 shrub shears: review

Stihl HSA 25 shrub shears: review

We are always keen to purchase and use garden maintenance equipment that helps us carry out our work more efficiently, so long as the equipment operates at a professional standard and enables us to leave behind a high quality finish in our customers' gardens. What's...

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The Only Way is Ethics

The Only Way is Ethics

The Only Way is Ethics - my take on some social media business and marketing techniques in the garden maintenance industry. Recently, particularly within social media, I have observed quite a few business practices that, in my opinion, have come right out of the book...

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3 is a magic number

3 is a magic number

For thousands of years many people have believed that 3 is a magic number - omne trium perfectum - every three is perfect.  In our gardening business 3 is certainly our magic number.  We have used this long established theory of threes in our business...

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How to grow a gardener

How to grow a gardener

In 2014 my story about my transition from a lawyer to a gardener featured in a book called, How To Grow A Gardener.  Click this From Law to Lawns link to read my story featured in the book. The book was a collection of stories recounting how 25 people became...

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Mentoring If you light a lamp for someone, it will also brighten your own path (proverb). [This blog is the text of a talk I gave in front of over 200 horticulture students at a Chartered Institute of Horticulture, Grow Careers event at the Scottish Rural College...

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A classroom without walls

A classroom without walls

"The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone who thinks and feels with us, and who, though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden" (Goethe). I stepped into the world of...

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From Law to Lawns

From Law to Lawns

I used to be a lawyer.  I specialised in corporate and business law, in particular mergers, acquisitions, and business and asset sales and purchases.  I was qualified to practise in England and Wales, and in Scotland.  I practised at two large highly regarded...

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